Sunday, January 9, 2011

Russell's Ramblings: January 2011

Too many speeches and not enough time

I am very pleased to inform all of you that our club is growing both in numbers and in enthusiasm.

Growth in numbers means that we have visitors coming to our club who like what and how we do it. They come to check us out and want to stay. They help us maintain our strength in the face of transition. Many of you who have been with us for a year or more remember Milan, Anne, and Samantha. They came in and were very active the short time they were with us. Then change occurred in their lives and they left for other opportunities. Both Samantha and Anne remain toastmasters in other clubs thanks to the start we gave them. I haven't heard from Milan, but I'll bet he also remains interested in Toastmasters even if he is not in a club today.

Growth in enthusiasm means that we have 15-20 members at our meetings regularly instead of 10 to 15 as was true 18 months ago. It means we have more people interested in and capable of club leadership as officers. It means we almost always have all of the roles filled two weeks in advance. It means we can always find skilled members to fill in in case of absence. It means that members are clamoring for roles and especially roles as speaker.

However, growth in numbers and enthusiasm is also somewhat difficult. Not every member can sit around the table (we are actively looking for a bigger space) so some must sit on the edges. That is a bit of a problem with visitors since they tend to come later. We also have issues with our enthusiastic members wanting to speak. The next time you go to sign up to speak you will notice that are only two openings for speaking for the next two months. Even after that, there is at least one member signed up to speak at almost every meeting for several months.

So we have a problem that most clubs would love to have and can't even imagine having:  a large number of enthusiastic members seeking the same two speaking roles every week.

What can we do?

The issue is not enough opportunities soon enough.

Mary is doing an excellent job trying to balance opportunities for both new and experienced speakers but there have been times she has had to make hard choices. I ask you to be compassionate towards her and understanding if your feathers get a bit ruffled over changes in speaking assignments or that you just have to wait.

The board is approaching this issue on three fronts and we will listen to any ideas that you may have that may expand it to four or five.

First, if you have given six speeches and want to give another, take part in the International speech contest in March. That is a golden opportunity.

Second, we are planning a speech-a-thon, which is a lengthy meeting solely intended to allow anyone in the club to give that next speech. There will be a toastmaster and a timer. Each speech will be evaluated and will count toward your educational goal.

Third, speak at Tom's after the regular meeting. That is a golden opportunity to speak anytime you are ready and have your communication manual (CC or advanced) with you and can get to Tom's after the meeting. Several members have given at least one speech there and have regaled an attentive audience.

We are a wonderful club with the best problem we can possibly have:  too many great speakers enthusiastic to give that next speech as soon as possible.

Let's all work together to be the solution.

- Russell Pike

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