Saturday, September 10, 2011

Secretary needed

Our club needs a new Secretary for the Board. It would be good to have someone in place by the next Board meeting, so on the 29th at our club meeting we'd like to be able to elect a new Secretary. Be thinking about this - it helps with your CL! And of all the Board positions, while VERY important, it tends to be less time consuming since you only take minutes at the meetings and print them for us. If interested, please notify any Board member!

Brinn H VP PR

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Contests are Here!

If you have never competed before (and if you have!) it is fun to check out other clubs during their contests. They will appreciate more folks in their audience; you might find yourself being tapped to do timing or judging; and you can check out the competition. One reason I made it to district last year for my first time with an International Speech was due to this very fact. I got to practice at Banfield and I went to contests in Molalla and other places.
Area 81 has their contest on September 21 at the Courtyard Village in Vancouver. The Northern Division Contest will take place on October 15 at Clark PUD in Vancouver. I believe both of these begin at 7 PM.
Molalla will hold their club contest on September 13th.

Brinn H VP of PR