Friday, December 17, 2010

Russell's Ramblings – December 2010

Officer training is coming up.  Those of you who are new or just didn't know, Toastmasters works hard to ensure that its officers receive some training on the company (such as it is) dime. It's every six months. All of our officers were trained in July and I hope that all of them will be coming to training in January.

It's kind of a big party. There's a light breakfast beforehand. The district president, Cathey Armillas, will do an introduction and then an experienced toastmaster usually gives some sort of warm up talk. After that, we go into our sessions. I usually pick one for the office that I have now and one for the next office that I want. Since I will take a year off next year and not be any kind of officer including area governor, I will either go into one for general skills training or an officership that I am not as well suited for as the two I have held.

I love being a club officer even though it is hard work. I have thoroughly enjoyed being last year's VP of Education even though it is basically two simultaneous full time jobs that you get to do for free. I did it just because I like these people I spend Thursday evenings with and I want to see them become even better toastmasters and people than they are today. When I ran for president last spring, I thought I was ready. Let me tell you, I never feel ready to be club president even though I have been for almost six months. That doesn't mean I don't absolutely enjoy it because I do. It just means that it is a bigger and different challenge than I understood it would be when I ran for the office. So, will I do an office again. Eventually. It's likely to area governor before another club office.

So why I am writing this now? It's because I want all of you to think about whether you want to  be a club officer. If you are an officer now, what do you want to do for your next officership? If you are not an officer now or have never been one yet, do you want the opportunity to serve the club and grow exponentially as a leader? If you are just beginning to think about it, talk to me or one of the other officers. Ask to shadow one of us to see what we actually do and how we do it.

On the other hand, if being an officer is a new thought to you, I would be happy to talk to you about any part of the concept. Anything from what you might contribute, to what each officer does, to which position might suit you best, and even whether you are ready. For those of you who are new, we have current officers who were newer when they took office than you will be in July when the new officers assume their roles. We will not be electing officers until April, so you have some time to think about it.

If you are unsure, I say go for it. You will be surprised at how much you really have to offer.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Social Media Training

Social networking is a way to engage in social interaction via the web. It allows you to communicate information, opinions, descriptions, data, etc, through words, video or music through web-based technologies. Although the infrastructures are expensive to develop, once in place these applications are low cost for the user with the potential of high visibility (even worldwide).

Social media is a growing trend. It has infiltrated our daily lives. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, MySpace and LinkIn have become mainstream words which have even altered how we speak (i.e. Tweet).  According to the Pew Research Center, from 2005 to 2010 social networking has grown in all age categories. Their findings were as follows:

18 - 29 year olds went from 16% to 80%
30 - 49 year olds went from 12% to 61%
50 - 64 year olds went from 7% to 47%
65+ went from 5% to 20%

To stay current with these changing times, our club's VP of PR implemented several social media tools for Portland Progressives. These include our blog, Google calendar, Facebook Page, Scribd and Google Docs. Social media is great way to increase our club's visibility, inform the public of our activities and keep members connected with fellow Toastmasters.

Below are training materials on how to use some of these social media tools for our club.

Portland Progressives: Social Media Training

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Russell's Ramblings: October Installment

I like October. It means lengthening shadows, leaves turning oranges and red, and Halloween. 

This year Halloween will be fun because we are going to have a costume meeting.

I have another reason for liking October. October means that the district convention is just around the corner. I was a bit over-awed at the first contest I went to but had only been a Toastmaster for a few weeks. It was a bit of a vindication for me since the man who beat me at the division table topics contest won the district contest.

I love watching the contests and trying to guess who will win. I judge along with the judges. Some years I am a better judge than others. I like to find somebody else at my table at the contest and see who can do better at judging. Sometimes I win this impromptu judging competition, but last year Lydia beat me soundly.

I like to meet people and do networking with people that I only see at the conventions. I try to talk to people I don't know to find out who they are and what their club is like. This is especially important to me now that I am an officer because I am always trying to learn what we can do to improve the meetings and help our members meet their educational goals.

The speakers at the convention are usually quite interesting. Most of them are great speakers but even if they aren't I can learn better techniques for opening a speech, the latest method for weaving a good story, and the like.

My favorite thing is getting a table with our members and just enough people from other clubs to spice it up. I like sharing the memories of past conventions with our members who have been to dozens of them. What really delights me, though, is to enjoy the spectacle of the contest and the other events through the wide eyes of a relative newcomer to Toastmasters and the conventions.

Maybe this time that wide-eyed newcomer will be you!

Article by Russell Pike

Friday, September 17, 2010

Humorous Speech Contest: Club Level

Last night the Portland Progressives Toastmasters Club had their Humorous Speech Contest. The winner was Kevin Seed, who will go onto the Area contest to compete on Oct. 8th, 2010. Second place honors went to Russell Pike and our third place contestant was Elaine DeLuca. Extra kudos to Elaine (who is fairly new to our club) for competing against more seasoned Toastmasters.

If you missed the event, not to worry! You can watch the three top speeches now, thanks to modern technology.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Open House - Come Check Out Portland Progressives Toastmasters Club

Hello everyone -

Please join us for a fun filled evening on Thursday, Sept. 9th. All are welcome to attend our open house.

See flyer below for details. Click on image to view larger and/or print.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Karaoke Party - Fun Times!

We had tons of fun at the Karaoke Party and I have the pictures to prove it!  Find out more about the Karaoke Party in the Portland Progressives' September newsletter.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Karaoke Party!!!!

Attention Toastmasters and Non-members -

Please join us for a fun-filled networking event presented by the Portland Progressives Toastmasters Club. All are invited to come.

Do you use Facebook? If so, please click this link to RSVP.

Click here to view invite larger. 

Click on invite to print

Friday, July 23, 2010

Advanced Manuals

Ever wonder what comes next after you finish your Competent Communicator manual?

Has the thought of choosing an advanced manual made you lose sleep?

Wonder and worry, no more! Here is a guide to help you make your decision.

Advanced Manuals - Brief Description

Monday, July 19, 2010

D7 Networking Meeting - July 17th, 2010

District 7 hosted a fun, informative networking meeting this past Saturday. The topics of discussion were:

1. Elevator speeches (i.e. selling yourself/product/idea in 30 seconds)*

2. Overcoming obstacles by thinking outside the box

3. Uncovering your club's potential by conducting a great open house

*An Elevator Speech is a short speech (typically 30 seconds or up to 1 minute in length) that contains an introduction, body with 3 parts, a conclusion and a closing statement (call to action). Passion and excitement is key when delivering an elevator speech. In regards to effectively relaying your message, Jim Robison noted at the meeting, "they don't care what you know, until they know you care."

Click here to learn more about elevator speeches.


At the networking meeting, several membership contests were revealed. D7 is conducting most of the contests. However, one of the contests (The Smedley Award) is sponsored by Toastmasters International.

Taken from the D7 website, here's some info on the Smedley Award:


An annual Toastmasters International sponsored recognition program for clubs that add five new, dual or reinstated members between August 1 and September 30.


  • A Smedley Award Toastmasters ribbon for your club banner from Toastmasters International
  • 10% off your next club order from Toastmasters International


  • Add five new, dual, or reinstated members between August 1 and September 30.


  • Encourage your club’s members to invite as many guests to your club’s meetings as possible in conjunction with the District 7 “BRING A GUEST!” program.
  • Consider conducting a special meeting like an Open House.
  • Sponsor a Speechcraft session.
  • Work with your club VP of Public Relations to run a club marketing campaign.
  • Check out local events where your club can sponsor a booth to promote Toastmasters.
  • Increase traffic to your club website; use Web 2.0 technology!

Membership applications and payment for members who join between August 1 - September 30 must be received at World Headquarters or online no later than September 30th. Each member’s “join date” as listed on the application must be no later than September. Transfer and charter members do not count for credit. There is no need to apply for this award. Your club is automatically entered when the first new member application is received in August.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Russell Pike, Our New Club President

On July 1st, 2010 Russell Pike took over the honor of club president for the Portland Progressives. To commemorate the occasion, he gave an energized speech, full of enthusiasm and encouragement.

Russell's speech was project #10 (Inspire Your Audience) from the Competent Communicator Manual. His objectives were:
  • To inspire the audience by appealing to noble motives and challenging the audience to achieve a higher level of beliefs or achievement.
  • Appeal to the audience's needs and emotions, using stories, anecdotes and quotes to add drama.
  • Avoid using notes.
Time: 8-10 min.

Speech Title: Looking Forward