The Portland Progressive Toastmaster Club will be holding an Open House on Thursday, August 2, 2012 showcasing District Toastmaster speaking champion, Ryan Avery. All are welcome.
The Portland Progressives is one of 13,000 Toastmasters clubs around the world 270,000 strong. Each year, members world-wide compete in club-level speech contests. Through competition in club, area, division, and district levels, contestants vie for the "World Champion of Public Speaking" which climaxes in Orlando, Florida in August.
Ryan Avery, Director of Marketing and Communications at Special Olympics Oregon, has won the club, area, division and district level contests. He has made it to the World Semi-Finals where the top 86 speakers from around the globe will compete in the finals. Come hear our local champion Ryan speak August 2.
For this meeting, no cameras or video are allowed.
The Portland Progressives is affiliated with Toastmasters International, the world's leading organization devoted to the improvement of individual communication and leadership skills.
The Portland Progressives meet each Thursday 6:30-7:45 PM at:
SEIU Local 49
3536 SE 26th Ave
Portland, OR 97202
Visitors are always welcome.